

Count: 64

Wall: 2

Level: Intermediate (Dance B) - Polka

Choreographer: Niels Poulsen

Music: Goliath by Smith & Thell

Lejupielādēt: šeit

Video skatīt: šeit


Intro: 32 Counts
Tag + restart during wall 2

Tag + Restart after wall 4


R rock fwd, together, L rock fwd, shuffle ½ L, step ¼ L
1-2&   Rock fwd on R (1), recover weight back on L (2), step R next to L (&) 12:00

3-4       Rock fwd on L (3), recover weight back on R (4) 12:00

5&6     Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (5), step R next to L (&), turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (6) 6:00

7-8       Step R fwd (7), turn ¼ L onto L (8) 3:00

Cross, Hold, syncopated vine, R cross rock, chasse ¼ R
1-2       Cross R over L (1), HOLD (2) 3:00

&3-4   Step L to L side (&), cross R behind L (3), step L to L side (4) 3:00

5-6       Cross rock R over L (5), recover back on L (6) 3:00

7&8     Step R to R side (7), step L next to R (&), turn ¼ R stepping R fwd (8) 6:00

Step ½ R, L shuffle fwd, step ½ L, full turn L
1-2       Step L fwd (1), turn ½ R stepping onto R (2) 12:00

3&4     Step L fwd (3), step R behind L (&), step L fwd (4) 12:00

5-8       Step R fwd (5), turn ½ L fwd on L (6), turn ½ L back on R (7), turn ½ L fwd on L (8) 6:00

Side behind, & heel, Hold, ball cross, L side rock, cross
1-2       Step R to R side (1), cross L behind (2) 6:00

&3-4   Step R to R side (&), touch L heel diagonally fwd L (3), Hold (4) 6:00

&5-8   Step down on L (&), cross R over L (5), rock L to L side (6), recover weight on R (7), cross L over R (8)... 6:00

* Tag + restart during wall 2

Stomp R, Hold/clap, & ½ L, side L, Hold/clap X 2, R jazz box, cross
1-2       Stomp R to R side (1), HOLD and clap hands once (2) 6:00

3&4     Turn ½ L on R foot stepping L to L side (3), HOLD & clap hands twice (&4) 12:00

5-8       Cross R over L (5), step back on L (6), step R to R side (7), cross L over R (8) 12:00

Point R, Hold, together point L, Hold, together point R, turn 1 ¼ R
1-2       Point R to R side (1), Hold (2) 12:00

&3-4   Step R next to L (&), point L to L side (3), Hold (4) 12:00

&5       Step L next to R (&), point R to R side (5) 12:00

6-8       Turn ¼ R stepping R fwd (6), turn ½ R stepping L back (7), turn ½ R stepping R fwd (8) 3:00

L shuffle fwd, step ½ L, shuffle ½ L X 2
1&2     Step L fwd (1), step R behind L (&), step L fwd (2) 3:00

3-4       Step R fwd (3), turn ½ L fwd onto L (4) 9:00

5&6     Turn ¼ L stepping R to R side (5), step L next to R (&), turn ¼ L stepping back on R (6) 3:00

7&8     Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (7), step R next to L (&) turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (8) 9:00

¼ L into R chasse, L back rock, side L, touch together, R kick ball step
1&2     Turn ¼ L stepping R to R side (1), step L next to R (&), step R to R side (2) 6:00

3-4       Rock back on L (3), recover fwd onto R (4) 6:00

5-6       Step L to L side (5), touch R next to L (6) 6:00

7&8     Kick R fwd (7), step R next to L (&), step L a small step fwd (8) ... 6:00

Tag + Restart after wall 4

1-4       Step R fwd (1), bounce R heel up and down 3 times making sure weight ends on L after the last bounce (2-4) - 12:00
 Styling for counts 1-4: raise R arm up over head with palm facing up