
Name: Fairytale Endings

Count: 72

Wall: 1

Level: Extra - B deja

Choreographer: Roy Hadisubroto & Fiona Hadisubroto

Music: Is That Alright? - Lady Gaga

Lejupielādēt: šeit

Fairytale Endings

Intro: 8 Counts

Sequence: AB AB Ending
Note: The music begins slowly therefore our counting is slow and will continue this pattern throughout the dance. The choreography has a blend of styles but because of the counting it has almost a rolling count feeling when danced.

Part A
[1-8] R Cross & Sweep, L Cross ball Pique, Walk R ball Rock Recover, Step 3/8 Turn L Side, Sway RL
1-2       Cross R over L and sweep L from back to front (1), Cross L over R (2) (1:30)

a3        Step R fwd into R diagonal (a), Step L fwd hitching R knee while turning 1/8 into L diagonal (3) (10:30)

4-a5-6 Step R fwd (4), Step L fwd (a) Rock R fwd (5), Recover back on L (6) (10:30)

a7        Step R backwards (a) 3/8 Turn L Step L to L side (7) (6:00)

8&       Sway R (8), Sway L (&) (6:00)

[9-16] Nightclub Basic, Step Lock Unwind, Step ½ R, Back Hook, Step L Full Hinge, Run LRL
1-2&   Step R to R side (1), Close L next to R (2), Cross R over L (&) (4:30)

a3        Step L into L diagonal (a) Lock R behind L unwinding full Turn R keeping weight on L (3) (4:30)

4&a5   Step R fwd (4), ½ Turn R Step L back (&), Step R back (a), Hook L over R (5) (10:30)

6&a7   Step L fwd (6), ¼ Turn L Step R to R side (&) Continue ¾ Turn L holding L foot fwd & weight on R (7) (10:30)

8&a     Run L fwd (8), Run R fwd (&), Run L fwd (a) (10:30)

[17-24] Press R Sweep, Rock Recover Drag, Behind Side Cross Mambo ¼ L, Out Out In In, Rock Back Recover
1&       Cross Rock/Press R (1), Recover on L while sweeping R from front to back (&) (12:00)

2&3     Cross rock R behind L (2), Recover on L (&), Step R to R side while dragging L (3) (12:00)

4&5&a                        Cross L behind R (4), Step R to R side (&), Cross rock L over R (5) Recover back on R (&), ¼ Turn L step L fwd (a) (9:00)

6&a7   Step out on ball of R (6), Step out on ball of L (&), Step R back to centre(a), Close L next to R (7) (9:00)

8&       Rock R backwards (8), Recover on L (&) (9:00)

*Styling option: Reach R arm fwd (6), Reach L arm fwd (&), Pull R arm into body (a), Pull L arm into body (7)

[25-32] ¼ L Side Mambo Cross, Scissor Fwd, Cross Mambo & Point, Botafogo, Cross Reverse ½ L, L Full Turn Side, Side L Cross
1e&     ¼ Turn L Rock R to R side (1), Recover on L (e), Cross R over L (&) (6:00)

2e&     Step L fwd into L diagonal (2), Close R next to L (e), Step L fwd (&) (6:00)

3e&     Cross rock R over L (3), Recover on L (e) Point R to R side (&) (6:00)

4e&     Cross R over L (4), Rock L to L side (e), Step R in place (&) (6:00)

5&       Cross L over R (5), ¼ Turn L Step R back (&) (3:00)

6e&7   ¼ Turn L Step L fwd (6), ½ Turn L Step R back (e), ½ Turn L Step L fwd (&), Step R to R side (7) (12:00)

8&       Step L to L side (8), Cross R over L (&) (12:00)

*Raise both hands fwd and upwards with handpalms facing up (7-8)

Part B
[1-8] Lunge, Pique Cross ¼ R, ½ Pivot R, R fwd, Rocking Chair, ¾ R into Rock Step, Run RL
1-2       Lunge L to L side opening body to L (1), Step on ball of R to R side while hitching L over R (2) (12:00)

&a3-4  Cross L over R (&), ¼ Turn R Step R fwd (a), Step L fwd (3), ½ Turn R Step R fwd (4) (9:00)

&a5-6  Rock L fwd (&), Recover back on R (a), Rock back on L looking over L shoulder and push L arm away behind body (5), Recover fwd on R (6) (9:00)

&7a     ½ Turn R Step back on L (&), ¼ Turn R rock R to R side (7), Recover L into L diagonal (a) (6:00)

8&       Run R fwd (8), Run L fwd (&) (4:30)

[9-16] ½ L, Lockstep with ½ L, Back Lockstep, R Coaster Step, Prissy Walk LR, Curved Walk with Runs
1&       Step R fwd (1), ½ Turn L Step L fwd (&) (10:30)

2e&     ¼ Turn L Step R to R side (2), Cross L over R (e), ¼ Turn L Step R back(&) (4:30)

3e&     Step L back into L diagonal (3), Cross R over L (e), Step L back into L diagonal (&) (4:30)

4&a     Step R back (4), Close L next to R (&), Step R fwd (a) (4:30)

5-6       Cross walk L over R (5), 1/8 Turn L Cross walk R over L (6) (3:00)

7&       1/8 Turn L Step L fwd (7), 1/8 Turn L Step R fwd (&) (12:00)

8&a     1/8 Turn L Step L fwd (8), 1/8 Turn L Step R fwd (&), ¼ Turn L Step L fwd (a) (6:00)

[17-24] Lunge, Pique Cross ¼ L, ½ Pivot L, L fwd, Rocking Chair, ¾ Turn L into Rock Step, Run LR
1-2       Lunge R to R side opening body to R (1), Step on ball of L to L side while hitching R over L (2) (6:00)

&a3-4  Cross R over L (&), ¼ Turn L Step L fwd (a), Step R fwd (3), ½ Turn L Step L fwd (4) (9:00)

&a5-6  Rock R fwd (&), Recover back on L (a), Rock back on R looking over R shoulder and push R arm away behind body (5), Recover fwd on L (6) (9:00)

&7a     ½ Turn L Step back on R (&), ¼ Turn L rock L to L side (7), Recover R into R diagonal (a) (12:00)

8&       Run L fwd (8), Run R fwd (&) (1:30)

[25-32] ½ R, Lockstep with ½ R, Back Lockstep, L Coaster Step, Prissy Walk RL, Curved Walk with Runs
1&       Step L fwd (1), ½ Turn R Step R fwd (&) (7:30)

2e&     ¼ Turn R Step L to L side (2), Cross R over L (e), ¼ Turn R Step L back(&) (1:30)

3e&     Step R back into R diagonal (3), Cross L over R (e), Step R back into R diagonal (&) (1:30)

4&a     Step L back (4), Close R next to L (&), Step L fwd (a) (1:30)

5-6       Cross walk R over L (5), 1/8 Turn R Cross walk L over R (6) (3:00)

7&       1/8 Turn R Step R fwd (7), 1/8 Turn R Step L fwd (&) (6:00)

8&a     1/8 Turn R Step R forward (8), 1/8 Turn R Step L forward (&), ¼ Turn R Step R forward (a) (12:00)

[33-40] Diamond Fallaway
1-2&   Step L to L side (1), 1/8 Turn R Step R back (2), Step L back (&) (1:30)

3-4&   1/8 Turn R Step R to R side (3), 1/8 Turn R Step L fwd (4), Step R fwd (&) (3:00)

5-6&   1/8 Turn R Step L to L side (5), 1/8 Turn R Step R back(6), Step L back (&) (7:30)

7-8&   1/8 Turn R Step R to R side (7), 1/8 Turn R Step L fwd (8), Step R fwd (&), Step L fwd (a) (10:30)

Note: When beginning the dance again (Wall 2) square up to 12:00 using the first count - Cross & Sweep


Slow down the last walks of the Diamond Fallaway and finish with the beginning of Part B - the side lunge to L only