
Name: Keep It Undercover

Count: 48

Wall: 2

Level: Ar pieredzi / Novice - D deja (Novelty) * Crystal, Diamond, Gold, GoldPlus

Choreographer: Fiona Murray, Roy Hadisubroto

Music: Keep It Undercover (Theme Song from K.C. Undercover) - Zendaya

Lejupielādēt: šeit

Keep It Undercover

Intro: 16 Counts

Start with weight on L foot

Sequence: Wall 1, Tag, Wall 2, Wall 3, Tag, Wall 4 (*Restart after 32 counts), Wall 5 (**32 counts), Tag, Wall 6
Note: Tag always happens facing 6:00

[1-8] Ball Step, Cross, Side Mambo, Cross, Ball, Cross, ¼ Turn R, Mambo Step
&1-2   Step R to R side (&), Step L to L side (1), Cross R over L (2), 12:00

3&4     Rock L to L side (3), Recover on R (&), Cross L over R (4) 12:00

&5-6   Step R to R side (&), Cross L over R (5), ¼ Turn R Step R forward (6) 3:00

7&8     Rock L forward (7), Recover on R (&), Step L backwards (8) 3:00

[9-16] Slide backwards, Together, Wiggle, Side, Together, Swivels & Sit
1-2       Slide R backwards (1), Close L next to R (2) 3:00

3&4     Wiggle and roll shoulders in forward motion twice (3 & 4) 3:00

5-6       Step R to R side (5), Close L next to R (6) 3:00

7&8     Swivel both heels R (7), Swivel both heels back to centre (&), ¼ Turn L and sit weight back on R (8) 12:00

[17-24] Step, Lock with Knee Pop, ¼ Turn L Curved Triple with Sweep, Cross, Side, Sailor Step 3/8 Turn R
1-2       Step L forward (1), Lock R behind L while popping L knee forward (2) 12:00

3&4     1/8 Turn L Step L forward (3), Close R next to L (&), 1/8 Turn L Step L forward while sweeping R from back to front (4) 9:00

5-6       Cross R over L (5), Step L to L side (6) 9:00

7&8     ¼ Turn R Cross R behind L (7), Step L to L side (&), 1/8 Turn R Step R forward (8) 1:30

[25-32] Walk LR, ¼ Turn R C-bump, Diagonal, Step, Out Out, In Together
1-2       Walk L forward (1), Walk R forward (2) 1:30

3&4     ¼ Turn R Touch L to L side while pushing L hip up (3), Push R hip to R side (&), Push L to L side transferring weight to L (4) 4:30

5-6       1/8 Turn L Step R diagonally forward to R side (5), Step L forward (6) 6:00

&7&8  Step R out to R side (&), Step out L to L side (7), Step R back to centre (&), Close L next to R (8) 6:00

*Restart Restart on wall 4
**Tag on wall 5 followed by restart

[33-40] Cross with Sweep, Cross, Side, R Back Rock Recover, ¼ Turn R Step Backwards
1-2       Cross R over L while sweeping L from back to front (1 – 2) 6:00

3-4       Cross L over R (3), Step R to R side (4) 6:00

5-6       Cross Rock L backwards (5 -6) 6:00

7-8       Recover on R (7), ¼ Turn R Step L backwards (8) 9:00

[41-48] L Back Rock, Recover, ¾ Turn L Drag, ½ Pivot L
1-2       Rock R backwards (1 – 2) 9:00

3-4       Recover on L (3), ¼ Turn L Step R to R side (4) 3:00

5-6       ½ Turn L Step L to L side while dragging R (5 – 6) 12:00

7-8       Step R forward (7), ½ Turn L transferring weight onto L (8) 6:00

TAG: Step, Hand Movements, Hitch R
1          Step R to R side 6:00

2          With both hands point with index fingers forward 6:00

3          Bring both hands over head 6:00

4          Hitch R knee 6:00