
Name: Full Throttle

Count: 48

Wall: 4

Level: Tautas klase / Social - B deja

Choreographer: Karl Harry Winson & Jamie Barnfield

Music: Won't Forget - Dan Davidson, Tim Hicks & Max Jackson

Lejupielādēt: šeit

Full Throttle

Intro: 16 Counts (Start on vocals)



*Restart #1 after 40 counts on Wall 3 facing 12.00

**Restart #2 after 32 counts on Wall 4 facing 6.00

S1 [1-8]: Side Rock. Right Vaudeville. Ball-Cross. 1/4 Turn Left. Left Shuffle Back.
1-2       Rock Right to Right side. Recover on Left.

3&4     Cross Right over Left. Step Left slightly back. Dig Right heel to Right diagonal.

&5-6   Step Right beside Left. Cross Left over Right. Turn 1/4 Left stepping Right back.

7&8     Step Left back. Close Right beside Left. Step back on Left (9.00).

S2 [9-16]: Back Rock. Full Turn (travelling forward). Forward Shuffle. Forward Rock.
1-2       Rock Right back. Recover weight on Left.

3-4       Turn 1/2 Left stepping Right back (3.00). Turn 1/2 Left stepping Left forward (9.00).

*Option: 2 Steps forward (right, left)

5&6     Step Right forward. Close Left beside Right. Step forward on Right.

7-8       Rock forward on Left. Recover weight on Right slightly sweeping Left (9.00).

S3 [17-24]: Sailor Steps (travelling back). Touch Back. 1/2 Turn Left. Step. Pivot 1/2 Turn Left.
1&2     Cross Left behind Right. Step out on Right. Step Left out to Left side.

3&4     Cross Right behind Left. Step out on Left. Step Right out to Right side.

5-6       Touch Left toe back. Turn 1/2 turn Left transferring weight forward on Left (3.00).

7-8       Step Right forward. Pivot 1/2 turn Left (9.00).

Choreographers Note: Counts 1 – 4 (Sailor steps) should travel back slightly.

S4 [25-32]: Right Dorothy Step. Left Dorothy Step. Forward Rock. 3/4 Turn Right.
1,2&    Step Right forward to Right diagonal. Lock Left behind Right. Step Right to Right diagonal.

3,4&    Step Left forward to Left diagonal. Lock Right behind Left. Step Left to Left diagonal.

5-6       Rock forward on Right. Recover on Left.

7-8       Turn 1/2 Right stepping Right forward (3.00). Turn 1/4 Right stepping Left together with Right (6.00).

**Restart #2 here on Wall 4 facing 6.00.

S5 [33-40]: Right Toe Point. Heel Switches Left & Right. Left Toe Point. Heel Switches Right & Left.
1&2     Point Right toe out to Right side. Step Right beside Left. Dig Left heel forward.

&3       Step Left beside Right. Dig Right heel forward.

&4       Hold Right heel forward and clap Hands twice.

&5&    Step Right beside Left. Point Left toe out to Left side. Step Left beside Right.

6&       Dig Right heel forward. Step Right beside Left.

7&8     Dig Left heel forward. Hold Left heel forward and clap hands twice. (6.00)

*Restart #1 here on Wall 3 facing 12.00.

S6 [41-48]: Ball-Rock. Shuffle 1/2 Turn Right. 1/4 Turn Right. Drag. Right Kick-Ball Cross.
&1-2   Step Left beside Right. Rock Right forward. Recover on Left.

3&4     Shuffle 1/2 turn Right stepping: Right, Left, Right. (12.00).

5-6       Turn 1/4 Right stepping big step to Left. Drag Right up towards Left. (3.00)

7&8     Kick Right foot to Right diagonal. Step Right beside Left. Cross Left over Right. (3.00)