
Name: Dugudum

Count: 32

Wall: 2

Level: Ar pieredzi / Novice - D deja (Street) * Primary, Junior, Youth, Teen, Open

Choreographer: Chris Godden, Mark Furnell

Music: Dugudum- Play-N-Skillz, Chesca & Maldy

Lejupielādēt: šeit


Intro: 32 Counts, Start at approx 14 secs

TAG at the end of Wall 4

SEC 1: Back, Twist Heel, Back, Twist Heel, Coaster Step, Back Pop Arms
1&2     Step right back, twist left heel to left, twist left heel to centre

3&4     Step left back, twist right heel to right, twist right heel to centre

5&6     Step right back, close left to right, step forward right

7-8       Cross both arms at waist level transferring weight back on left and pop right knee, slap hands back on hips

SEC 2: Dorothy Step, ¼ Dorothy Step, Side, Weave, Ball Touch Behind
1-2&   Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward (12:00)

3-4&   Turn ¼ left step left forward to left, lock right behind left, step left forward (9:00)

5          Step right to right

6&7     Step left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right

&8       Step right to right, touch left behind right

SEC 3: Side, Back Rock, Side, Back Rock, Side, Behind, ¼ Step, Walk, Walk
1-2&   Step left to left, rock right back, recover weight onto left

3-4&   Step right to right, rock left back, recover weight onto right

5-6&   Step left to left, step right behind left, turn ¼ left step left forward (6:00)

7-8       Step right forward, step left forward

SEC 4: Syncopated Press Rocks, Step, ½ Pivot, ½ Back, Back
1-2&   Press right forward, recover weight onto left, step right beside left

3-4&   Press left forward, recover weight onto right, step left beside right

5-6       Step right forward, pivot ½ left transferring weight on to left (12:00)

7-8       Step forward right, step left back making ½ turn right (6:00)

Tag At the End of Wall 4
Side, Head
1          Step right to right looking right

2-12     Slowly circle head from right to left looking up, finish by bringing head back to the front