

Count: 80

Wall: 2

Level: Intermediate (Dance D - crystal, diamond, gold, gold+) - Novelty

Choreographer: Fiona Murray & Roy Hadisubroto

Music: Colors by Jason Derulo

Lejupielādēt: šeit

Video skatīt: šeit


Intro: After 32 counts

Sequence: A, B, C, A, A, B, C, C, A, B, B, B

Part A
[1 – 9] Step, Hitch, Lock Step, Mambo Cross, Step, Ball Change x2
1-2       Step R forward (1), ⅛ Turn R Hitch L knee (2) 1:30

3&4     Step L forward (3), Lock R behind (&), Step L forward (4) 1:30

5&6     ⅛ Turn L Rock R to R side (5), Recover on L (&), Cross R over L (6) 12:00

7&8&1            Step L into L diagonal (7), Recover on ball of R foot (&), Step L in place (8), Recover on ball of R foot (&), Step L in place (1) 12:00


[10 – 17] Cross, Out Out, Cross Out, ¼ Turn L Hitch Slide, Out Out (on heel) Recover Cross
2-3-4   Cross R over L (2), Step L backwards towards L diagonal (3), Step R backwards towards R diagonal (4) 12:00

5-6       Cross L over R (5), Step R backwards towards R diagonal (6) 12:00

a7a8&1           ¼ Turn L Hitch L knee (a), Big Step L to L side (7), Step diagonally forward on R heel (a), Step diagonally forward L heel (8), Step R back to centre (&), Cross L over R (1) 9:00


[18 – 25] Step, ½ Turn R Sweep, Sailor Step, Extended Shuffle
2-3-4   Step R forward (2), ½ Turn R Step L backwards while sweeping R from front to back (3 - 4) 3:00

5&6     Cross R behind L (5), Step L to L side (&), Step R forward (6) 3:00

7&8&1            Step L forward (7), Close R next to L (&), Step L forward (8), Close R next L (&), Step L forward (1) 3:00


[26 – 32] ¾ Turn L Pivot, ¼ Turn L Together, Orange Justice
2-3-4   Step R forward (2), ½ Turn L Step L forward (3), ¼ Turn L Step R to R side (4) 6:00

5-6       Close L next to R while bending both knees towards R diagonal and putting both arms out to either side of hips, hand palm facing up (5), Bend both knees towards L diagonal and turn hand palms down (6) 6:00

7-8       Bend both knees towards R diagonal while crossing arms over each other infront of body, hand palms facing down (7), Bend both knees towards L diagonal while putting arms out to either side of hips, hand palm facing down (8) 6:00


Part B
[1 – 8] Walk x2, Press, Step, Walk x2, Press Step
1-2       Step R backwards (1), Step L backwards (2) 12:00

3-4       Press R backwards (3), Step R backwards (4) 12:00

5-6       Step L backwards (5), Step R backwards (6) 12:00

7-8       Press L backwards (7), Step L backwards (8) 12:00


[9 – 16] Touches, Slide, Sailor Step, Rock Step, Extended Lock Step
1&2     Touch R to R side (1), Touch R next to L (&), Step R to R side (2) 12:00

3&4     Cross L behind (3), Step R in place (&), Step L into L diagonal (4) 12:00

5&6&  Rock R backwards (5), Recover onto L (&), ⅛ Turn L Step R forward (6), Cross L behind (&) 10:30

7&8     Step R forward (7), Cross L behind R (&), Step R forward (8), 10:30


[17 – 24] Full Turn Jazzbox Touch, Look Drag, ½ Turn R Step
1-2       ⅛ Turn L Cross L over R (1), ¼ Turn L Step R backwards (2) 6:00

3-4       ¼ Turn L Step L forward (3), ¼ Turn L Touch R next to L (4) 12:00

5-6       Press R to R side while looking into L diagonal with R hand in line with forehead, hand palm facing down (5), Look into R diagonal with R hand in line with forehead, hand palm facing down (6) 12:00

7-8       Step R to R side dragging L towards R (7), ½ Turn R Step L to L side (8) 6:00


[25 – 32] Heel Tap x2, Step, Cross, Step, Recover
1-2-3-4            Step R into R diagonal keeping weight on L (1), Heel tap with R 3 times, while bringing R arm slowly up in R diagonal, (2 - 3 - 4) 6:00

5-6       Step R into R diagonal while putting both arms up into R diagonal (5), Cross L over R while bringing both arms down (6) 6:00

7-8       Step R into R diagonal keeping weight on L, while putting both arms up into R diagonal (7), Recover back on L (8) 6:00


Part C
[1 – 8] Step, Paddle Turn, Bota Fogos x2
1-2       ⅛ Turn R Step R forward (1), ⅛ Turn R Touch L to L side (2) 3:00

3-4       ⅛ Turn R Touch L to L side (3), ⅛ Turn R Touch L to L side (4) 6:00

5&6     Cross L over R (5), Rock R to R side (&), Recover on L (6) 6:00

7&8     Cross R over L (7), Rock L to L side (&), Recover on R (8) 6:00


[9 – 16] Step, Paddle Turn, Cross Out Out x2
1-2       ¼ Turn L Step L forward (1), ¼ Turn L Touch R to R side (2) 12:00

3-4       ¼ Turn L Touch R to R side (3), ¼ Turn L Touch R to R side (4) 6:00

5&6     Cross R over L (5), Step L backwards (&), Step R to R side (6) 6:00

7&8     Cross L over R (7), Step R backwards (&), Step L to L side (8) 6:00