Count: 64
Wall: 1
Level: Intermediate (Dance D - primary, junior, youth, teen, open) – Street
Choreographer: Fred Whitehouse
Music: Barcelona by Max George
Lejupielādēt: šeit
Video skatīt: šeit
Intro – 32 counts, 16 seconds from start of track
Sequence – A,A,Tag,B,B,A,A,Tag,B,B,B
A: 32 counts
A[1-8] Step, Lock & Pop Knee, Step, Touch Behind, Heel Bounce x2 ½ Turn R, Back, Together, Body Roll
1-2& Step RF to R diagonal, lock LF behind R as you hitch R knee, step RF slightly forward
3-4 Step LF to L side, lock RF behind L (12.00)
5-6 ¼ turn R bouncing both heels, ¼ turn R bouncing both heels weight ends on LF (6.00)
&7-8 Step RF back, close LF next to R, Body roll from head to hips (add a click on count 8 if you wish)
A[9-16] Kick & point, ½ turn Paddle Turn, Back x 2, ½ turn R, Arm Wave
1&2 Kick LF forward, step LF in place, point RF to R side
3-4 ¼ turn L touching RF to R side, ¼ turn L touching RF to R side
5&6 Step RF back, step LF back, ½ turn R stepping RF back and pivot on heels as you turn. (heel pivot on count 6 is fast)
7-8 Snake roll arms forward over 2 counts, end weight on LF
A[17-24] Heel Ball Cross, Click x 2, Shoulder Shrug, Sweep, Heel, Hold, Ball Step
&1 Step RF to R side, touch L heel to L side
&2 Step LF in place, cross RF over L
&3 Click R finger down to R side, click L finger down to L side
&4 Raise both shoulders up, drop both shoulders down
5&6 Sweep RF from front to back, step back RF, touch L heel forward (raise L arm up as you pretend to look at a watch)
7&8 Hold, close LF next to R, step RF forward
A[25-32] Wizard Step x 2, Step ½ turn R, ½ Chase Turn R
1-2& Step LF to L diagonal, lock RF behind L, step LF to L diagonal
3-4& Step RF to R diagonal, lock LF behind R, step RF to R diagonal
5-6 Step LF forward, pivot ½ turn R placing weight on RF
7&8 Step LF forward, pivot ½ turn R placing weight on RF, step LF forward
B: 32 counts
B[1-9] Walk x3, Cross, Side, Back, Back, Side, Cross Cha Cha,
1-2-3 Walk forward L diagonal R,L,R
4&5 Cross LF over R, 1/8 turn L stepping RF to R side, 1/8 turn L stepping LF back
6-7 Step RF back, 1/8 turn L stepping LF to L side
8&1 Cross RF over L, step LF to L side, cross RF over L
B[10-17] Rock, Recover, Weave, Hip Bump x2, Weave
2-3 Rock LF to L side, recover onto R (Roll hips anti-clockwise on rock recover)
4&5 Step LF behind R, step RF to R side, cross LF over R
6&7 Touch RF to R diagonal as you push hip forward, recover hip, hip bump forward (weight on LF)
8&1 Step RF behind L, step LF to L side, cross RF over L
B[18-25] ½ Turn L, ½ Turn L Sweep, Weave ¼ Turn L, Hold, & Cross & Cross
2-3 ½ turn L stepping LF forward, ½ turn L stepping RF back as you sweep LF from front to back
4&5 Step LF behind R, 1/8 L stepping RF to R side, 1/8 turn L crossing LF over R
6&7 Hold, step RF to R side, cross LF over R
&8 Step RF to R side, cross LF over R
B[26-32] Rock Recover, Behind, ¼ Turn L, Step Forward, pivot ½ Turn L, Close with Roll, Chest Pop x2
1-2-3 Rock RF to R side, recover onto L, step RF behind L
4-5-6 ¼ turn L stepping LF forward, step RF forward, pivot ½ turn L placing weight on LF
7-8& 1/8 turn L close RF next to L, chest pop x2 on 8& (on count 7 as you close feet, bend the knees, push knees back & roll from the bottom to the top pushing hips back)
*During the second pattern of B the last counts 7,8 is only done to the 12.00 wall and no chest pops. Unless the sequence is 3 B’s to finish.
TAG: Only ever happens after the pattern A,A
[1-8] Rock Recover, Coaster Step, Step ½ Turn R, 5/8 Sweep, Jump out, in
1-2 Rock RF forward, recover onto L
3&4 Step RF back, close L next to R, step RF forward
5-6 Step LF forward, pivot ½ turn R placing weight on RF
7-8& 5/8 turn R sweeping LF from back to front closing next to RF, jump both feet apart, jump both feet together (small out, in, or just double chest pop, weight must end on LF)