Count: 64
Wall: 2
Level: Intermediate (Dance C) – ChaCha
Choreographer: Fred Whitehouse (IRE) & Shane McKeever
Music: Drop It to the Floor (feat. Nuz Ngatai) by Fletcher Kirkman
Lejupielādēt: šeit
Video skatīt: šeit
Intro: 32 Counts
Side L, R back rock, R step lock step, rock L fwd, sweep, behind side cross ¼ L
1-3 Step L to L side (1), rock back on R (2), recover on L (3) 12:00
4&5 Step R fwd (4), lock L behind R (&), step R fwd (5) 12:00
6-7 Rock L fwd (6), recover back on R sweeping L to L side (7) 12:00
8&1 Cross L behind R (8), start a ¼ L stepping R to R side (&), finish ¼ L crossing L over R (1) 9:00
HOLD, & behind side cross, hip bumps, R sailor ¼ R fwd
2 HOLD (2) 9:00
&3&4 Step R to R side (&), cross L behind R (3), step R to R side (&), cross L over R (4) 9:00
5-6 Tap R foot to R diagonal bumping hips fwd (5), repeat the tap and bump (6) 9:00
7&8 Cross R behind L (7), turn ¼ R stepping L next to R (&), step R fwd (8) 12:00
½ L, HOLD, ¼ R & look, flick ¼ L, walk RL, R step lock step
1-2 Turn ½ L onto L (1), HOLD (2) 6:00
3-4 Turn ¼ R onto R and look to the R side (3), recover on L with ¼ L & flicking R back (4) 6:00
5-6 Walk R fwd (5), walk L fwd (6) 6:00
7&8 Step R fwd (7), lock L behind R (&), step R fwd (8) 6:00
Out LR, HOLD, bum hips RL, jazz box ¼ R, cross
&1-2 Step L out to L side (&), step R out to R side snapping fingers out to both sides (1), HOLD (2) 6:00
3-4 Bump hips to R side (3), bump hips to L side (4) ... 6:00
5-8 Cross R over L (5), start turning ¼ R stepping L back (6), finish ¼ R stepping R to R side (7), cross L over R (8) 9:00
1/8 R step lock extension, step ½ R, full turn R
1&2 Turn 1/8 R stepping R fwd (1), lock L behind R (&), step R fwd (2) 10:30
&3&4 Lock L behind R (&), step R fwd (3), lock L behind R (&), step R fwd (4) 10:30
5-6 Step L fwd (5), turn ½ R stepping onto R (6) 4:30
7-8 Turn ½ R stepping back on L (7), turn ½ R stepping R fwd (8) 4:30
Step L fwd, Hold, lock step, lock step, cross, 1/8 R side L, R sailor ¼ R fwd
1-2 Step L fwd (1), HOLD (2) 4:30
&3&4 Lock R behind L (&), step L fwd (3), lock R behind L (&), step L fwd (4)
5-6 Cross R over L (5), turn 1/8 R stepping L to L side (6) 6:00
7&8 Cross R behind L (7), turn ¼ R stepping L next to R (&), step R fwd (8) 9:00
Step L fwd, Hold, syncopated R step lock step, step L fwd, press R, & touch & touch
1-2 Step L fwd (1), HOLD (2) 9:00
&3&4 Step R fwd (&), lock L behind R (3), step R fwd (&), step L fwd (4) ... 9:00
5-6 Press ball of R fwd (5), recover back on L (6) 9:00
&7&8 Step R back (&), press L fwd into the floor (7), step L back (&), press R fwd into the floor (8) 9:00
¼ R side & point, HOLD, & point R&L, ¼ L fwd, step ½ L, ¾ spiral L
&1-2 Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (&), point L to L side bending in R knee (1), HOLD (2) 12:00
&3&4 Step L next to R (&), point R to R side (3), step R next to L (&), point L to L side (4) 12:00
5-7 Turn ¼ L stepping down on L (5), step R fwd (6), turn ½ L onto L (7) 3:00
8 Step R fwd spiralling ¾ L ending with L hooked over R shin (8) 6:00