Count: 64
Wall: 2
Level: Novice (Dance A) – Samba
Choreographer: Maddison Glover
Music: Don't Go Yet by Camila Cabello
Lejupielādēt: šeit
Video skatīt: šeit
Intro: 48 Counts
Rock Forward, ½ Flick, Lock Shuffle Forward, Mambo Forward, Coaster
1-2 Rock fwd on ball of R foot, make ½ turn L as you recover weight onto L whilst flicking R foot up/ behind (6:00)
3&4 Step R fwd, lock L behind R, step R fwd
5&6 Rock L fwd, recover weight back onto R, step L back
7&8 Step R back, step L together, step R fwd
Rock Forward, ¼ Flick, Cross Shuffle, Side Rock, Recover, Behind, Side, 1/8 Forward
1 Rock fwd on ball of L foot
2 Make ¼ turn R as you recover weight onto R whilst flicking L foot out to L side (9:00)
3&4 Cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L over R
5-6 Rock R to R side, recover weight onto L
7&8 Cross R behind L, step L to L side, turn 1/8 L stepping R fwd into L diagonal (7:30)
2x Walks Forward, Lock Shuffle Forward, Pivot ¼, Pivot 3/8
1-2 Still Facing 7:30 for counts 1-4 - Walk fwd on L, walk fwd on R
3&4 Step L fwd, lock R behind, step L fwd (7:30)
5,6 Step R fwd, pivot ¼ turn L (4:30)
7,8 Step R fwd, pivot 3/8 turn L (12:00)
'Push' Side Rock/ Recover, Together, (x2), 'Push' Side Rock, ½ Turn, Together, Side Shuffle
1&2 Rock R out to R side, recover weight onto L, step R beside L
3&4 Rock L out to L side, recover weight onto R, step L beside R
5& Rock R out to R side, recover weight onto L as you begin to make ½ turn R
6-7&8 Complete ½ turn R by stepping R beside L (6:00), Step L to L side, step R together, step L to L side
Cross Samba (x2), Cross, Hold, Ball, Cross, Ball Forward
1&2 Cross R over L, rock L to L side, step R slightly fwd
3&4 Cross L over R, rock R to R side, step L to L side
5,-6&7 Cross R over L, hold, make ¼ turn L stepping L slightly fwd, cross R over L (3:00)
&8 Make ¼ turn L stepping L slightly fwd, step R slightly fwd (12:00)
(Note: Counts &7&8 and completed whilst making a gradual half turn left. The directions listed are just an indication of where you should be)
Cross Samba (x2), Cross, Hold, Side, Touch, Side, Touch
1&2 Cross L over R, rock R to R side, step L slightly fwd
3&4 Cross R over L, rock L to L side, step R to R side
5-6 Cross L over R, hold
&7&8 Step R to R side, touch L beside R, step L to L side, touch R beside L (12:00)
Back, Point, Recover with Flick, Lock Shuffle, 3/8 Back, ½ Forward, Pivot ¼, Cross
&1 Step R slightly back into R diagonal, point L to fwd into L diagonal (opening body to 11:30)
2 Step down onto L as you flick R foot up/ behind (11:30)
3&4 Step R fwd, lock L behind R, step R fwd (11:30)
5,6 Make 3/8 turn R stepping L back (3:00), make ½ turn over R stepping forward on R (9:00)
7&8 Step L fwd, pivot ¼ R transferring weight onto R (12:00), cross L over R
Touch to Side with Hip Bumps, 1/2 Touch to Side with Hip Bumps, Cross, Hold with Click, Coaster
1&2 Touch R to R side as you bump hips to R side, bump hips to L, bump hips to R as you transfer weight onto R
3 Make ½ turn over L as you touch L to L side whilst bumping hips to L side (6:00)
&4 Bump hips to R side, bump hips to L side as you transfer weight onto L
5-6 Cross R over L, hold as you click both hands out to sides at hip level
7&8 Step L back, step R together, step L fwd