Count: 32
Wall: 4
Level: Newcomer (Dance A) – Polka
Choreographer: Paul James
Music: Road Less Travelled by Lauren Alaina (Special Edit)
Lejupielādēt: šeit
Video skatīt: šeit
Intro: 8 Counts
restart after 16 counts on Wall 4
Rock Recover, Coaster Step, Step ½ Pivot Turn, Triple Forward
1-2 Rock RF fwd, Recover weight onto LF
3&4 Step RF back, Close LF next to RF, Step RF fwd
5,6 Step LF fwd, Make ½ turn over R, weight to RF (face 6.00)
7&8 Step LF fwd, Close RF next to LF, Step LF fwd
Walk x 2, Heel Jack, Cross Rock Recover, ¼ Triple
1-2 Walk fwd R, L
3&4 Cross RF over LF, Step LF to left, Tap R heel to R diagonal
&5,6 Close RF to LF, Cross rock LF over RF, Recover weight onto RF
7&8 Make ¼ turn L stepping LF fwd, Close RF next to LF (&) Step LF fwd (face
*Restart the dance here on Wall 4
Point, Cross, Rock Recover, Sailor Steps x2
1-2 Point R toe to R side, Cross RF over LF
3-4 Rock LF to L side, Recover weight onto RF
5&6 Step LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, Recover weight to LF
7&8 Step RF behind LF, Step LF to L side, Recover weight to RF
Rock Recover, ½ Triple, Kick Ball Change x2
1-2 Rock LF fwd, Recover weight to RF
3&4 ¼ turn L stepping LF to L side, Close RF to LF, ¼ turn L stepping LF fwd
(face 9.00)
5&6 Kick RF fwd, Step weight onto ball of RF, replace weight to LF
7&8 Kick RF fwd, Step weight onto ball of RF, replace weight to LF