

Count: 32

Wall: 4

Level: Starter (Dance C - crystal, diamond, gold, gold+) - Novelty

Choreographer: Roy Verdonk, Sebastiaan Holtland & Annette Rosendahl Dam

Music: Old School - Patrick Dorgan

Lejupielādēt: šeit

Video skatīt: šeit


Intro: 8 Counts

Rocking Chair, V-Step with double clap

1-2       RF step fwd., recover weight on LF

3-4       RF step back, recover weight on LF

5-6       RF step diagonally fwd., LF step diagonally fwd.

7-8       RF step back to center and clap, LF step back to center and clap


Diag. Lock Step, Scuff, Cross back, Slide Left, Drag

1-2       RF step diagonally fwd., LF cross behind RF

3-4       RF step diagonally fwd., LF scuff

5-6       LF cross over RF, RF step back

7-8       LF big step side, drag RF towards LF (weight remains on LF)


Jazz Box with Toe Struts ¼ turn right

1-2       RF cross over LF tap toe, drop heel

3-4       LF step back on toe, drop heel

5-6       turn ¼ R, RF tap toe, drop heel

7-8       LF step fwd. tap toe, drop heel


Out out, clap, in in, clap, slow Step turn left

&1-2   RF step diagonally fwd., LF step diagonally fwd., clap

&3-4   RF step back to center, LF step back to center, clap

5-6       RF step fwd., hold

7-8       ½ turn over left shoulder, weight on LF, hold