Count: 32
Wall: 2
Level: Rugrats
Choreographer: Gemma O’Connor
Music: Love Train by Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake et al
Lejupielādēt: šeit
Video skatīt: šeit
Intro: 32 counts
1-8 4 Walks Forward, 4 Hip Bumps
1,2,3,4 Walk fwd R, L, R, L
5,6,7,8 Step RF to R side as you bump hips to R, bump hips L, R, L
9-16 4 Walks Back, 4 Hip Bumps
1,2,3,4 Walk back R, L, R, L
5,6,7,8 Step RF to R side as you bump hips to R, bump hips L, R
17-24 4 Step Touches (with claps)
1,2 Step RF to R side, Touch LF to L side (clap hands up high to the R)
3,4 Step LF to L side, Touch RF to R side (clap hands up high to the L)
5,6 Step RF to R side, Touch LF to L side (clap hands down low to the R)
7,8 Step LF to L side, Touch RF to R side (clap hands down low to the L)
25-32 Roll Hands Up, Roll Hands Down, Run with ½ Turn
1,2 Close feet as you roll hands up
3,4 Roll hands down
5,6,7,8 Making a ½ turn over L shoulder, run R, L, R, L