Count: 32
Wall: 4
Level: Komanda (A deja)
Choreographer: Gary O'Reilly
Music: Down On Your Uppers by Derek Ryan
#32 count intro from lyrics starting dance on the instrumental section
Twist, Twist, Heel, Hook, Forward, Touch, Back, Touch
1,2 Twist/swivel both heels right (1), twist/swivel both heels back to center (2)
3,4 Dig right heel forward (3), hook right across left (4)
5,6 Step forward right on slight right diagonal (5), touch left next to right (6)
7,8 Step back left on slight left diagonal (7), touch right next to left (8)
Grapevine R, Grapevine ¼ L Brush
1-2 Step right to right side (1), cross left behind right (2)
3-4 Step right to right side (3), touch left next to right (4)
5-6 Step left to left side (5), cross right behind left (6)
7-8 ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (7), brush right forward (8) [9:00]
R Rocking Chair, R Heel Strut, L Heel Strut
1-2 Rock forward on right (1), recover on left (2)
3-4 Rock back on right (3), recover on left (4)
5-6 Right heel forward (5), drop right toe (6)
7-8 Left heel forward (7), drop left toe (8)
Forward, Swivel Heel/Toe/Heel, Forward, Swivel Heel/Toe/Stomp
1-2 Stomp right slightly forward on right diagonal (1), swivel left heel in towards right heel (2)
3-4 Swivel left toe in towards right heel (3), swivel left heel in towards right heel (4)
5-6 Stomp left slightly forward on left diagonal (5), swivel right heel in towards left heel (6)
7-8 Swivel right toe in towards left heel (7), stomp right next to left (8)