Count: 64
Wall: 4
Level: Novice (Dance A)
Choreographer: Fred Whitehouse
Music: Soul Shake by Tommy Castro
Intro: 80 Count from start of track, on Lyrics
Grapevine L, Chasse L, Rock back, Recover
1-4 Step LF to L, step RF behind L, step LF to L, cross RF over L
5&6 Step LF to L, close RF next to L, step LF to L,
7,8 Rock RF behind L, recover on L
Monterey Turns x 2
1,2 Point RF to R, ¼ turn R closing RF next to L
3,4 Point LF to L, close LF next to R
5,6 Point RF to R, ¼ turn R closing RF next to L
7,8 Point LF to L, close LF next to R (Add Claps when you collect feet)
Rock Recover, Behind, Rock Recover, Behind, Side, Cross
1-4 Rock RF to R, recover on to L, step RF behind L, rock LF to L
5-8 Recover on to R, step LF behind R, step RF to R, cross LF over R
Stomp, Heel Toe Walk in x2
1-4 Stomp RF forward to R diagonal, swivel L heel in, swivel L toe in, swivel L heel in
5-8 Stomp LF forward to L diagonal, swivel R heel in, swivel R toe in, swivel R heel in
Twist R, Clap, Twist L, Clap
1-4 Twist both heels to R, twist both toes to R, twist both heels to R, clap
5-8 Twist both heels to L, twist both toes to L, twist both heels to L, clap (body ends on slight diagonal 7.30)
Toe Strut x2, Walk x 2, Step forward, Pivot ¼ Turn L
1-4 Touch R toe forward, step R heel down, touch L toe forward, step L heel down (keep body on angle to R diagonal)
5-8 Walk forward R, L, R, pivot ¼ turn L placing weight on L
Step Point, Step Scuff, Jazzbox
1-4 Step RF forward, point LF to L, step LF forward, scuff RF forward
5-8 Cross RF over L, step LF back, step RF to R, cross LF over R
Toe Heel x2, Step, Close, Heel Bounces x2
1-4 Touch R toe to R, touch R heel to R, touch R toe to R, touch R heel to R
5-8 Step RF forward, close LF next to R, bounce heels x2