

Count: 56

Wall: 2

Level: Country Classic Team (Open)

Choreographer: Roy Verdonk, Sebastiaan Holtland

Music: Kiss That Girl Goodbye by Aaron Watson


Intro: 16 counts


Tag and restart : in wall 5 after 16 counts, there will occur a 4 count tag

Tag : Hip Sways, Touch

1-4       Sway hips left, right, left, Rf touch next to Lf



S1: Shuffles forward on diagonal, Rocking Chair

1&2     Make 1/8 turn right stepping Rf forward (1.30), Lf step together(&), Rf step forward

3&4     Make 1/4 turn left stepping Lf forward (10.30), Rf step together (&), Lf step forward

5-6       Rf rock forward, recover onto Lf

7-8       Rf rock back, recover onto Lf


S2: Step Forward R, 1/2 Turn L, Shuffle With 1/2 Turn L, Syncopated Sailor Steps With 1/8 Turn R

1-2       Rf step forward, make 1/2 turn left stepping Lf forward (4.30)

3&4     Make 1/4 turn left stepping Rf right(1.30) , Lf step together (&), make 1/4 turn left stepping Rf back(10.30)

5&6     Lf cross behind Rf, make 1/8 turn right stepping Rf right(&), Lf step left (12.00)

&7-8    Rf cross behind Lf(&), Lf step left, Rf step right

(* in wall 5 the tag will occur here)


S3: Cross Rock/Recover, Shuffle L, Heel Grind with 1/4 Turn R, Coaster With Flick

1-2       Lf cross in front of Rf, recover onto Rf

3&4     Lf step left, Rf step together(&), Lf step left

5-6       Rf cross in front of Lf digging right heel into floor, make 1/4 turn right stepping Lf back (3.00)

7&8     Rf step back, Lf step together(&), Rf step forward flicking left foot back


S4: Step Forward L with Sweep, Step Forward L With Point, Syncopated weave

1-2       Lf step forward start sweeping Rf from back to front (3.00)

3-4       Rf step forward, Lf point to left

5&6     Lf cross behind, Rf step right(&), Lf step cross in front of Rf

&7       Rf step right (&), Lf cross behind Rf

&8       Rf step right (&), Lf cross in front of Rf


S5: Stomp R/L, Stomp R/L/R, Hand Movements, Claps (2X), Hitch With Snap

1-2       Rf stomp out right, Lf stomp out left

3&4     Stomp R/L/R (weight ends on Rf)

5&6     Right hand touch left shoulder, left hand touch right shoulder (&), right hand rock left shoulder

7&8     Lf recover weight and clap hands, clap hands(&), Hitch Rf whilst snapping fingers next to head


S6: Rock Forward R, Recover L, Together, Rock Forward L, Recover R, Shuffle With 1/2 Turn L, Step Forward R, 1/4 Turn L, Step L

1-2       Rf rock forward, recover onto Lf

&3-4    Rf step together (&), Lf rock forward, recover onto Rf

5&6     Make 1/4 turn left stepping Lf left(12.00), Rf step together (&), make 1/4 turn left stepping Lf forward (9.00)

7-8       Rf step forward, make 1/4 turn left stepping Lf left (6.00)


S7: Stomp Out R, Flick Behind L, Stomp Out L, Flick R In Front Of R, Stomp Out R, Brush Hands Back/Forward On Thighs, Clap, Hand Movements

1&       Rf stomp out to right, Lf flick behind Rf *

2&       Lf stomp out to left, Rf flick in front of Lf *

(* optional : you can touch heel with opposite hand)

3&4     Rf stomp out right (split weight), Brush Hands backwards on both sides of thighs (&), Brush Hands forward on both sides of thighs

5&6     Clap hands, right hand touch left shoulder (&) (hands remains on shoulder), left hand touch right shoulder (arms should end in crossed position)

&7&8   Lift both hands up(&), bring both hands back to shoulder, lift both hands up(&), bring both hands back to shoulder (Like you are tapping your shoulders in crossed arm position)