

Count: 32

Wall: 4

Level: Starter (Dance C)

Choreographer: Fiona Murray

Music: Come On To Me by Paul McCartney


Intro: 16 counts

Tag starts after Wall 13 facing 3:00 and finishing facing 6:00


S1: Travelling Toe Struts x2, Rocking Chair, Travelling Toe Struts x2, Mambo Cross

1&2&   Step R Toe to R side (1), Drop R heel putting weight on R (&), Cross L Toe over R (2), Drop L heel putting weight on L (&)

3&4&   Rock R diagonally forward (3), Recover onto L (&), Rock R backwards (4), Recover onto L (&)

5&6&   Step R Toe to R side (5), Drop R heel putting weight on R (&), Cross L Toe over R (6), Drop L heel putting weight on L (&)

7&8     Rock R to R side (7), Recover onto L (&), Cross R over L (8)


S2: Weave, Rumba Box, Out Out

1&2&   Step L to L side (1), Cross R behind L (&), Step L to L side (2), Cross R over L (&)

3&4     Step L to L side (3), Close R next to L (&), Step L forward (4)

5&6     Step R to R side (5), Close L next to R (&), Step R backwards (6)

7-8       Step L to L side (7), Step R to R side (8)


S3: ½ Turn L, Sailor Step ¼ Turn L, ½ Turn Curve Walk, Kick Ball Step

1-2       ¼ Turn L Step L forward (1), ¼ Turn L Step R to R side (2) 6:00

3&4     Cross L behind (3), Step R in place (&), ¼ Turn L and Step L forward (4) 3:00

5-6       1/8 Turn L and Step R Forward (5), 1/8 Turn L and Step L forward (6) 12:00

7&8     Kick R (7), 1/8 Turn L and Step R forward (&), 1/8 Turn L and Step L forward (8) 9:00


S4: Step, Lock Step, Hitch, Step Flick, Step Hitch, Chase Turn, Step Drag, Together

1&2&   Step R forward (1), Lock L behind R (&), Step R forward (2), Hitch L knee (&)

3&4&   Step L to L side (3), Hook foot behind L (&), Step R foot to R side (4), Hitch L knee (&)

5 & 6    Step L forward (5), ½ Turn R Step R forward (&), Step L forward (6) 3:00

7-8       Big Step Forward with R foot while dragging L foot behind (7), Close L next to R (8)


TAG: Paddle Turn L, Fist Pump x3

1-2-3    ¼ Turn L touching R to R side (1), ¼ Turn L touching R to R side (2), ¼ Turn L touching R to R side (3) 6:00

4-5-6    While standing with feet apart (weight on L) Punch R fist up into the air 3 times (4 - 5 – 6)