Name: WIN
Count: 32
Wall: 4
Level: Starter (Dance A)
Choreographer: Rob Fowler and Darren Bailey
Music: Win by Cat Beach
Intro: 16 counts, Start on the lyric ‘Blows’
TAG 1,2 Happen at the end of walls 3, 7
TAG 3 Happens after 14 counts of wall 9
S1: Walk R, L, Shuffle forward, Rock, Recover, Shuffle ½ turn L
1-2 Step forward on RF, Step forward on LF
3&4 Step forward on RF, Close LF next to RF, Step forward on RF
5-6 Rock Forward on LF, Recover onto RF
7&8 Make a ¼ turn L and step LF to L side, Close RF next to LF, Make a ¼ turn L and step forward on LF
S2: Hip Bumps R, L, Stomp, Hold, Shuffle forward
1-2 Touch RF forward and bump hip to the R, Step down onto RF
3-4 Touch LF forward and bump hip to L, Step down onto LF
5-6 Stomp RF forward (R hand forward, L hand back, Palms facing down), Hold
TAG 3 happens here on wall 9
7&8 Step forward on LF, Close RF next to LF, Step forward on LF
S3: ¼ turn L, Cross shuffle, Hinge turn R, Cross shuffle
1-2 Step forward on RF, Make a ¼ turn LF
3&4 Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L side, Cross RF over LF
5-6 Make a ¼ turn R and step back on LF, Make a ¼ turn R and step RF to R side
7&8 Cross LF over RF, Step RF to R side, Cross LF over RF
S4: Side rock, Behind, Side, Cross, Switches
1-2 Rock RF to R side, Recover onto LF
3&4 Cross RF behind LF, Step LF to L side, Cross RF over LF
5&6& Point LF to L side, Step LF next to RF, Point RF to R side, Step RF next to LF
7&8 Touch L heel forward, Close LF next to RF, Touch RF next to LF
TAG 1,2 Happen at the end of walls 3, 7:
1&2& Stomp RF forward, Hook LF behind RF (slapping LF with R hand), Step back on LF, Hook RF in front of LF
3&4 Step forward on RF, Clap hands x2
TAG 3 Happens after 16 counts of wall 9:
1-2 Stomp LF forward (R hand forward, L hand back, Palms facing down), Hold
1&2& Stomp RF forward, Hook LF behind RF (slapping LF with R hand), Step back on LF, Hook RF in front of LF
3&4 Step forward on RF, Clap hands x2