

Count: 144

Wall: 1

Level: Novice (Dance C - primary, junior, youth, teen, open) - Street

Choreographer: Daniel Trepat, Rebecca Lee & Guillaume Richard

Music: Like a Riddle (feat. Hearts & Colors & Adam Trigger) by Felix Jaehn

Lejupielādēt: šeit

Video skatīt: šeit


Intro: 1 count start direct when music starts
Sequence: A – B – A – B – C – B

Footwork Part A: 48 counts
-8] Side, Sailorstep 2x, Hitch, ½ turn L, Hitch L & R
1-2&3 Step R to R side (1), Cross L behind R (2), Step R to R side (&), Step L to L side (3) 12:00

4&5     Cross R behind L (4), Step L to L side (&), Step R forward (5) 12:00

6&7&8 Step L next to R and hitch R (6), Step on R in place (&), ½ turn L hitching L (7), Step on L in place (&), Hitch R (8) 6:00

A[9-16] Side, Sailorstep 2x, Hitch, ½ turn L, Hitch L & R
1-2&3 Step R to R side (1), Cross L behind R (2), Step R to R side (&), Step L to L side (3) 12:00

4&5     Cross R behind L (4), Step L to L side (&), Step R forward (5) 12:00

6&7&8 Step L next to R and hitch R (6), Step on R in place (&), ½ turn L hitching L (7), Step on L in place (&), Hitch R (8) 6:00

A[17-24] Diagonal Side Steps, Diagonal Step back with Touch 2x
1&2&  1/8 turn L stepping R to R side (1), Step L next to R (&), Step R to R side (2), 1/8 turn R touching L next to R (&) 12:00

3&4&  1/8 turn R stepping L to L side (3), Step R next to L (&), Step L to L side (4), 1/8 turn L touching R next to L (&) 12:00

5-8       Step R diagonal back (5), Touch L next to R (6), Step L diagonal back (7), Touch R next to L (8) 12:00

A[25-32] House basic 2x, V step on Heel, Out Out, Jump In
1&2&  Kick R diagonally R forward (1), Step R to R side (&), Rock L back (2), Recover on R (&) 12:00

3&4&  Kick L diagonally L forward (3), Step L to L side (&), Rock R back (4), Recover on L (&) 12:00

5&6&7&8 Step R diagonally R forward on heel (5), Step L out on heel (&), Step R back (6), Step L next to R (&), Step R out (7), Step L out (&), Jump feet together (8) 12:00

A[33-40] Chug ½ turn, Side, Touch, Chug ½ turn, Side, Touch
1&2&3&4& 1/8 turn L pressing ball of R to R (1), Recover on L (&), Repeat 1& three times more (2&,3&,4&) 6:00

5-8 Step R to R side (5), Touch L to L side (6), Step L to L side (7), Touch R to R side (8) 6:00

-48] Chug ½ turn, Side, Touch, Chug ½ turn, Side, Touch
1&2&3&4& 1/8 turn L pressing ball of R to R (1), Recover on L (&), Repeat 1& three times more (2&,3&,4&) 6:00

5-8 Step R to R side (5), Touch L to L side (6), Step L to L side (7), Touch R to R side (8) 6:00

Footwork Part B: 64 counts
-8] Box ½ turn R, Step ½ Tic Tac turn, Relever L foot, Recover
1-4       Slide R to R side (1), ¼ turn R sliding L to L side (2), ¼ turn R sliding R to R side (3), Step L fwd (4) 6:00

5&6     Step R forward (5), ¼ turn L turning L heel in (&), ¼ turn L turning R heel out & lift L foot up (6)

7-8       Hold (7), Step L forward (8) 12:00

B[9-16] Handmovements
1-4       Raise R arm straight up handpalm open and forward (1), bend both knees and bring down towards R hip in a fist (2), Grap back of your tshirt (where the label is on the neck) with R hand (3), Pull tshirt up and straighten the legs (4) 12:00

5&6&  Step R next to L and touch with R fingers R shoulder (5), Touch with L fingers L shoulder (&), Bring elbows forward while fingers still touching shoulders (6), Elbows stay forward and turn fingers from L & R to face each other (&) 12:00

7-8       Push hands down & raise on ball of feet (7), Recover feet and hands (8) 12:00

B[17-24] Dorothy Steps, Shoulder Pops, Clockwise Circle Move
1-2&   Step R in R diagonal (1), Lock L behind R (2), Step on ball of R to R side (small) (&) 12:00

3-4&   Step L in L diagonal (3), Lock R behind L (4), Step on ball of L to L side (small) (&) 12:00

5&6     Step R to R side and Pop R shoulder (5), Pop L shoulder (&), Pop R shoulder (6) 12:00

7-8       Start a clockwise turn bending knees (7), Finishing clockwise turn by transferring weight to L and straightening legs (8) 12:00

B[25-32] Top Rock 2x, Walk 4x
1&2     Cross rock R over L (1), Recover on L (&), Step R to R side (2) 12:00

3&4     Cross rock L over R (3), Recover on R (&), Step L to L side (4) 12:00

5-8       Walk ¾ to right - R L R L (9:00)

B[33-40] Handmovements, Clockwise Circle Move
1 – 3&4           Raise R hand handpalm open and forward (1), Raise L hand handpalm open and forward touching (2), Keep hands raised and raise on ball of feet (3), Recover (&), Place own hands to eachother like praying position (4)

5-8       Start a clockwise turn bending knees, transferring weight to L and hands go open to side while wiggling fingers (5, 6 ,7) Finish clockwise turn by straightening legs (8)

-48] Top Rock 2x, Step ½ turn 2x
1&2     Cross rock R over L (1), Recover on L (&), Step R to R side (2)

3&4     Cross rock L over R (3), Recover on R (&), Step L to L side (4)

5-8       Step R forward (5), ½ turn L stepping L forward (6), Step R forward (7), ½ turn L stepping L forward (8)

B[49-56] Out Out, Coasterstep, Step fwd, Kick, Coasterstep
1-3&4 Step R out (1), Step L out (2), Step R back (3), Step L next to R (&), Step R forward (4)

5- 6      Step L forward (5), Kick R forward (6)

7&8     Step R back (7), Step L next to R (&), Step R forward (8)

B[57-64] Step fwd, Shoulder bump, Walk 4x
1-4       Step L forward (1), Bump R shoulder (2), Recover on R (3) Step L back (4)

5-8       Walk R L R L and turn ¾ left back to the front wall 12:00

Footwork Part C: 32 counts
-8] Basic Nightclub R, Arm Movements and Weight Changes
1-4       Step R to R side (1), Hold (2), Step L in 3rd position next to R (3), Cross R over L (4) 12:00

5-8       Step L to L side & open L arm to L handpalm open and facing upwards (5), Weight on R & open R arm to R handpalm open and facing upwards (6), Weight on L & hands touching opposite shoulder (so you create an X with arms) (7), Weight on R & hands touching same side shoulder (8) 12:00

C[9-16] ¼ turn L, Sweep, Cross, Side, Arm Movements and Weight Changes
1-4       ¼ turn L stepping L fwd and sweeping R fwd (1), Hold (2), Cross R over L (3), Step L to L side (4) 9:00

5-8       Open L arm to L handpalm open and facing upwards (5), Weight on R & open R arm to R handpalm open and facing upwards (6), Weight on L & hands touching opposite shoulder (so you create an X with arms) (7), Weight on R & hands touching same side shoulder (8) 9:00

C[17-24] ¼ turn L, Sweep, Cross, Side, Arm Movements and Weight Changes
1-4       ¼ turn L stepping L fwd and sweeping R fwd (1), Hold (2), Cross R over L (3), Step L to L side (4) 6:00

5-8       Open L arm to L handpalm open and facing upwards (5), Weight on R & open R arm to R handpalm open and facing upwards (6), Weight on L & hands touching opposite shoulder (so you create an X with arms) (7), Weight on R & hands touching same side shoulder (8) 6:00

C[25 – 32] ¼ turn L, Sweep, Cross, ¼ turn Slide L, ¼ turn R, ¾ turn R
1-4       ¼ turn L stepping L fwd and sweeping R fwd (1), Hold (2), Cross R over L on ball of R (3), Hold (4) 3:00

5-6       Push from ball of R a ¼ turn L stepping/sliding L to L side (5, 6) 12:00

7-8       ¼ turn R stepping R forward (7), ¾ turn R stepping L next to R (8) 12:00